Submission - Wives

Scripture Reading - Ephesians 5:22-24 KJV

22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Today’s lesson will continue to speak on “submission”. We started with the highest level of “submission” which is “submission to God”. We looked at “submission to those in authority” over the land highlighting the fact that “submission” is not stating agreement but a respectful attitude about those in authority over you. We discussed “submission” to spiritual leaders in the church. Emphasizing the fact that you are “submitting” to the whole leadership team not just one individual, that is, if you purpose to “submit” God’s Way. In this lesson we will cautiously approach the doctrine of wives “submitting” to their own husbands. The reason we (ihlcc) stated cautiously is because many wives don’t like to hear about “submitting” unto their own husband. Why? Simply because frankly speaking there are some husbands that act like real jerks. Now, notice we didn’t confess that they are jerks establishing the negative in their life (calling things which we see as they are, actions void of faith) but rather simply clearly stated that some act like jerks knowing a better person is within them and if properly fed could break free of improper ungodly behavior. For this primary reason “submission” to an ungodly husband is a real challenge for any wife because it is a trust in God proposition. These wives can’t “submit” to an ungodly man in their own strength and might (understanding) but must trust in God’s Grace and Mercy to help both the husband and wife to be closer to God by working out their own salvation with respect and honor one for another. The wives that have good husbands are in better shape (which is good) but even in those cases it can still be challenging to “submit” to their husband’s leadership. Yes, it is very possible to be a good sincere man but still be lacking in leadership skills. Please remember if someone does not copy the greatest leader of all time (our Father God and Jesus Christ) they will never maximize the art of leadership. Yes, we are acknowledging that “submission” is tough and for that reason the Word of God told us how to make it work. The answer to all “submission”, whether governments, employers, spiritual leaders or your own husband is the statement as unto the Lord. This is such an important foundational statement that a similar statement is made in Colossians 3:18 which reads, “Wives, “submit yourselves” unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.” Clearly The Lord Jesus and Father God only desire for you to “submit” unto your own husband under the guidelines of the Holy Bible. What that means is a godly woman should never “submit” to her husband to go rob a bank or do anything evil. She should always follow the straight and narrow way of God’s Word. Yes, she can “submit” unto her husband during times of disagreement when she knows God’s got her back and for God to have your back you must be into submission (obedience) to the Holy Word of God (The Holy Bible). Remember, we said “submission” is not agreement so for the everyday simply things in life she usually doesn’t need to “submit” unto her husband because she agrees. Please explain this ihlcc? Ok, Mrs. Ihlcc believes with all her heart that Mr. Ihlcc ought to have clean clothes so she cleans them on a regular basis and Mr. Ihlcc is in complete agreement with that. Likewise, Mr. Ihlcc desires a good breakfast and nice dinner each day and since Mrs. Ihlcc agrees with that desire she graciously and faithfully prepares those two meals every day. Oh, thank God for a good virtuous woman. When such acts of kindness are done unto a thankful man thanks unto the wife is in order and due, let the church say Amen! However, if the husband doesn’t agree with buying the children $100 dollars of new clothes at a certain time and the wife thinks (deems) it necessary, then we are wondering will she “submit” because for sure she doesn’t agree with him. That is the precise time to look at Jesus and “submit” to her husband “as unto the Lord”. Remember, the scripture said, “you must submit yourself” so no one else can “submit” for you, nor can anyone else force you to “submit” this is an attitude of heart and mind issue unto the Lord Jesus and Father God. What this means is that you don’t storm-off in a fit because you didn’t get your way, instead you keep a happy calm attitude that goes to God privately looking unto Him, (The Lord) for guidance, wisdom, patience and strength. Please remember Jesus is the author and finisher (developer) of your faith, not your husband nor yourself. Since the joy of the Lord is your strength you need to keep your joy and peace in your own heart first to prosper the whole family afterwards. If you do your part to reflect Jesus Christ in all your relationships God is faithful to provide you the extra money through some other means or Our Huge God will start dealing with your small husband to bring about a change in heart (change their mind in your favor). If that is the direction God ordained for your husband to pay for the $100 dollars of clothes God’s Will shall prevail when we walk by faith and not by sight. Yes, this could take some time but it is better to live a life of harmony and peace with joy in your house then to fuss and fight because every person wants things their own way. The earth is full of stress and selfish complaining but the Children of God shouldn’t act like the world (ungodly). Yes, the woman of God should follow 1 Peter 3:1,2,4 English Standard Version which reads, “Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, when they see your respectful and pure conduct. . . . let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.” This is what God designed for times of disagreement because the Lord already knew there would be times when the husband would not reflect The Lord Jesus in his decision making and that is pretty typical so don’t act like you’re the first wife to deal with a husband who is not being reasonable. No, shift your attention unto Jesus and speak (pray and meditate) to your Heavenly Father to petition His Heart on the matter in the Wonderful Name of Jesus. If the woman of God does this faithfully and sincerely the Father God and her personal Lord Jesus Christ will never let her down because The Savoir specializes in saving His sheep whether physically, mentally, spiritually or financially. Mrs. Ihlcc has done this numerous times and prevailed in the majority of her request to God that included Mr. Ihlcc. However, there will be times when the Holy Loving Father will say softly “submit” yourself unto your husband because in this case My Purpose and Will is at work. Always remember your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ knows best so you can trust their counsel and judgment in all matters concerning your life. Didn’t Sarah “submit” unto Abraham, even calling him Lord and the life of Sarah was blessed forever more because by staying in line with Abraham she was staying in line with God her Heavenly Father. “Submission” is God’s ordained remedy for conflict and strife so use it to your full advantage by being humble and kind during times of disagreement. Then you will stand out like a shining lamp broadcasting the light of love as a laughing, living and joyful child of God fully invested into your relationship with your happy husband because he has a virtuous wife that is both “submitted and committed” to both God and man. Amen!